
Understanding Fever in the Monsoon Season: A Pathologist's Perspective

Introduction: As the monsoon season arrives, it brings with it the much-needed respite from scorching summers but also an increase in various illnesses, including fever. As a pathologist with years of experience, I am committed to shedding light on this common health concern and providing valuable insights to help you understand fever during the monsoon season. What is Fever? Fever is the body's natural response to an infection or inflammation. It is characterized by an increase in body temperature above the normal range (98.6°F or 37°C). Typically, fever is a symptom of an underlying condition rather than an ailment itself. It acts as an immune system response, helping the body combat infections and promoting the production of white blood cells. Common Causes of Fever in Monsoon: During the monsoon season, certain factors contribute to the prevalence of fever and related illnesses: Waterborne Diseases: Contaminated water sources during the monsoon can lead to the spread of waterb

HealthKey: Your Guide to Coronavirus, COVID Tests, and Tips

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, has left the world in a state of turmoil. People are struggling to adjust to the new normal of social distancing, wearing masks, and constant sanitization. With so much information and misinformation circulating about COVID-19, it can be overwhelming to figure out what's true and what's not. In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about COVID-19, COVID tests, and tips to stay healthy during these trying times. What is Coronavirus? Coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses in humans and animals. The current outbreak, COVID-19, is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The virus is highly contagious and can be transmitted through respiratory droplets, contaminated surfaces, and close contact with an infected person. Symptoms of Coronavirus infection People with COVID-

Electrolytes in the Bloodstream: A Comprehensive Guide to Electrolyte Tests

  Electrolytes are substances that help regulate a number of important physiological processes in the human body. They play a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance, muscle and nerve function, and blood pressure. In order to assess the levels of these essential substances in the body, a pathology lab may perform an electrolyte blood test. An electrolyte blood test measures the levels of ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate in the bloodstream. These ions have a significant impact on various bodily functions and a change in their levels can lead to serious health problems. For example, high levels of potassium can cause heart problems, while low levels of sodium can lead to dehydration and confusion. The electrolyte blood test is commonly ordered as part of a routine medical check-up or when a patient experiences symptoms such as muscle cramps, weakness, irregular heartbeat, and confusion. In some cases, the test may also be used to monitor the effectiveness o